
Master Lock celebrates 100 years of expertise

Master Lock celebrates 100 years of expertise

Master Lock is celebrating a century of empowering people to live a safer and more secure life, by providing continuous excellence in security and safety solutions.

Let’s take a walk down the memory lane to oversee the road Master Lock took to build it’s strength and reliability, and providing you with the confidence you need to secure everything worth protecting.


The History of ADI

ADI The Easy Choice for Professional Locksmiths

When you ask any professional Locksmiths what ADI means to them, the answer you would get is “reliable, unique, heavy duty and tough”. This reputation is achieved by ADI from over 50 years of their commitment to producing quality Australian made products and its dedication to local manufacturing.

Since its establishment in the 1970’s, ADI has been inventing and designing specialised locking products needed by professional Locksmiths. ADI listens to requests and reviews from the industry, and creates products that were needed and didn’t exist in the market. ADI strives to produce better looking, smarter, unique and more cost effective locking solutions for the Locksmiths industry.

ADI has been setting the benchmark for many years, and continues to produce iconic looking products while supporting local manufacturers. Some popular products from ADI include the 504 lockable bolt, the SL5 Slimline Lock Bolt, and the 444 Block Locks.

The ADI lockable bolt has been one of the main products supplied by ADI. It was originally invented in 1975 by Peter & Brian Preddey and produced at Preddey’s Locksmiths in Miranda, Sydney. They named it “Preddey Bolt”, and it was initially produced to fill a need for this type of locking device that was not available in the market at the time.

In 1978, Brian created ADI Mobile Locksmiths, where ADI was short for “Automotive Domestic Industry”. Later that year, Preddey Bolt made the name change to ADI bolt.
In 1982, the ADI bolt production moved to Gerringong and remained there until 2015. Now it resides in Brooklyn Victoria.

Over the years, ADI range has made some cosmetic changes with different production materials, however what remains unchanged is the heavy duty lockable bolt. The ADI products have always been recognised for its consistency in quality and reliability. ADI is still proudly 100% Australian made and owned, and remains the easy choice for professional Locksmiths.


Here are some essential reasons why you need to change your locks

  • Purchased a new house.
  • Moving House.
  • Tenants have vacated your property.
  • Keys have been lost or worse stolen.
  • Locking out those who have keys but you don’t want them accessing the property anymore.
  • Keys that may have been given to trades people or loaned out and never returned.
SOME ALL TOO COMMON LOCKS Locks illustrated below are common to doors in many dwellings through Victoria. They provide little protection against a criminal and it’s wise to have them replaced with a high quality and security alternative.

Essential Reasons Why you Need to Change your Locks

Purchasing and moving into a new home is a thrilling time, as such a house was most likely somebody else’s home prior to you. So it is common sense to change the locks completely, or replace the cylinders, or rekey the existing locks (which means changing the lock combinations so the old keys no longer work). Then you will have peace of mind knowing the new keys supplied will be the only keys that can enter your house.Don’t put your family, property and possessions at risk. You never really know who has keys to the property or how many keys are floating around. Also remember rekeying locks or changing cylinders needs to include all doors inside & outside the home, gate locks, security screen door locks, garage roller doors locks, patio locks, window locks, sliding door locks, in fact any key lock that you believe may be a potential security risk to your property based on others also having keys without your knowledge or authority. Taking into consideration some of the above reasons why we believe It’s vital to rekey your locks based on the situations we mentioned, it would also be an ideal time to service any locks on the premises that are faulty locks or any locks not working. For example, the key won’t turn in the lock, the lock is jammed open or closed, the key is snapped or broken in the lock, the lock strike is out of alignment with the lock’s locking mechanism and the door wont lock. All these are common problems that can lead to the lock and the lock strike needing an adjustment (the strike is the metal fastening on the door frame side which the lock bolt projects to secure the door). A few other security tips we suggest you consider whilst you have a professional Locksmith on site and take advantage of his security knowledge would be if you are considering updating the existing locks on your new house or existing property to heavy duty deadlocks or deadbolts. A professional qualified Locksmith can suggest the most secure and strongest deadlatches for your application. Where possible at the same time, ask the Locksmith to key all the new locks and existing locks to one key for convenience where possible. Whilst the locksmith is at your home, ask them to check and make sure all your locks are working to their maximum security as they are intended to do, and service any that may not be working as a lock. If you’ve had the misfortune to suffer a burglary attack, a professional Locksmiths will recommend suitable measures to minimise recurrence. If your premises have been broken into, it’s most likely the criminals have forced open a lock or locks and you have been left with broken or damaged locks. Most burglaries are committed by the young ‘amateur’ criminals out for a few quick dollars. Undoubtedly the worst of these are those intent on destructiveness out for the easy break in. Many homes are still fitted with some cheap quality common door locks such as standard old latch-type with cylinder on the outside, turnsnib mechanism on the inside, key in knob lock fitted to the side or the middle of the door, old type back door mortice lock with pre-cut keys, old fashioned rim lock, or even an older security door screen lock with a snipping mechanism on the inside. All these type locks provide little protection against a criminal and once a thief is in the home he can easily escape. In many cases these old type locks are locked with old fashion keys which are easily purchased from hardware stores etc. Many homes are fitted with secure locks but all too often the windows are overlooked. Unfortunately, windows, both wooden sash windows (slideup & down type) and aluminum sliding windows, are generally the weakest point of security in the home. It only makes sense that if doors are being secured, windows should be as well. A wide variety of key lockable window locks are available for all types of windows such as metal windows, sliding and double hung aluminum windows, wood hopper windows, side hinged wood casement windows, double hung and horizontal sliding wooden windows, wooden sash windows and timber & aluminum awning windows. In addition, there are lockable security bolts for sliding balcony and patio doors and lockable window winders. These locks are generally available as “keyed alike” where all locks work with a single key convenience. Some windows can also be locked in a slightly open position, for “ventilation” without detaching from their security.          A restricted master key system will secure your rental property from the tenants getting duplication of keys without your knowledge or authority. If you have standard locks on your rental property, it’s a good idea to get the locks rekeyed or the cylinders changed between tenants. You may also want to consider updating the locks to a specialised restricted security key system. Once a specially “restricted” key system is installed, you open a permanent line of security. Our confidential records enable us to copy or duplicate keys, or supply additional locks, but only on receipt of a written request signed by an authorised person or persons whoes signatures we hold. Our licenced accredited Locksmiths will provide you with expert advice based on years of experience servicing Clients who have needs similar to yours. They have the skill and knowledge to inspect and assess your existing home security arrangements and provide practical recommendations if upgrading is necessary. SOPHISTICATED SECURITY LOCKS TO DETER THE COMMON THIEF        CONTACT US Call Safeguard Locksmith on 1300 723 796 today to discuss your security needs.

The History of the Abus Diskus Padlock

The History of the Abus Diskus Padlock

The first Diskus lock in 1949

Abus was a 25 year old family company, already famous in Germany when it launched the world’s first “Diskus” lock in 1949.

Looking to offer extra security and a way to protect the shackle, August Bremicker and his family company turned the traditionally shaped padlock into a circular plate-shaped lock, and named it Diskus.

At the time it was produced with a double – bit key, but the attention to the small details which made the diskus padlock a world wide smash hit remains today.

From the 1960’s it was produced with a pin tumbler key, and along the way such features as the anti-slip, positive shackle locking clutch was introduced, and a laser seam welding (right around the diskus lock for 310 degrees).

Today the Diskus padlock design is much copied the world over, but never bettered. Still made in the same factory first built in 1929 in Hegestrasse, Volmarstein, the ABUS Diskus padlock has stood the test of time.

Here at Safeguard Locksmiths, we supply a range of various types of High Security Diskus Padlocks. If you need more information, please call us on 1300 723 796 to discuss with one of our Security Specialists.


Top 10 Security Tips

The crime rate statistics on home burglaries is the fastest and is forever growing and going upwards. Serious crime against people can result from failure to protect homes and families against illegal entry.

The best precautionary measures you can take involve good old fashioned common sense and good modern door and window locks. Theses are day and night 24 hour all year around precautions that will work effectively if you use them. You can increase the safety of your home easily and relatively inexpensively. The many new improved locks that are now available for your home can delay a prowler to the point that he will goes elsewhere. Old locks probably hold very little locking security and should be replaced and most existing older locks can be upgraded cheaply and easily with good quality deadlatches.

Some houses attract burglars more than others. Follow these security tips to reduce the chance of theft from your home.


Windows are the most popular route for burglars to break-in particularly if they are at ground level. Another popular entry point for criminals are weak or poorly secured doors which are often easily forced open. While doors and windows may be obvious to be securely locked, they can be often overlooked. Double sided deadlocks and key operated window locks not only make it difficult for burglars to break into a home but can also prevent an easy exit along with this. They make it harder for burglars to steal large items from your home. So don’t become complacent and make it easy for criminals to break-in. Protect Your Home by locking up all entry points.
It’s essential as part of your home protection plan to make sure any sheds and garages are securely locked as these buildings are often overlooked when locking up a property and therefore are vulnerable to break-in and are often targeted by thieves especially if burglars can get access to your front or back yard. So we recommend a high quality garage door lock or garage roller door lock be installed on your garage. If your garage door features a mechanical lock, keep it secured at all times when not in use. If your garage door does not feature a mechanical lock, try to find a spot where you could attach a good quality padlock from the inside, or install a roller garage door anchor lock, these anchors provide excellent security.

Lock away all garden tools and any other items which could be useful to a burglar to help break in to your home such as garden tools which are frequently used to force open doors and windows. Reduce the temptation of a would-be-thief by not leaving valuable items around that can be seen from the outside. Keep all tools and ladders inaccessible. If you cannot keep your ladder in a locked shed or garage, padlock it to something secure and use padlocks on all gates and sheds including side gates. They should always be locked with high grade gates lock or lockable pad bolts, or alternatively a hasp & staples with a weatherproof padlock.

Don’t place valuable items so they can be clearly seen from the windows or if so have Window coverings so it is not easy to see inside your house. If you bought a new big screen television or home theatre system, don’t leave the packaging outside where it’s visible, cut it up and place it in the bin. This is also a great rule for items kept in your car, dont leave expensive devices such as mobiles, laptops or other smart devices in clear view no matter when it’s parked either at home or away.

Be aware of what surrounds your property. Typically it will be a landscaped garden of some type, by ensuring you keep it tidy and maintained such as keeping trees, hedges and bushes trimmed to a height helps in a number of ways. This stops overgrown bushes restricting the view of doorways, access paths and hiding spots under window etc, and it will allow the property to be seen from the street clearly and especially by your neighbours so they can see unobstructed view of the front of your property. Another good reason to minimise overgrown shrubbery around your home is it helps to prevent intruders from finding hiding spots and helps neighbours keep an eye on your property when you’re away. In addition to this, installing sensor lights that activates by movement can be an inexpensive and excellent deterrent.

So remember a garden should not only be attractive but also effective for security purposes. Also remember to make sure your house number is clearly visible from the street in case an emergency service need to find your property quickly.

Statistics have shown that you are less likely to get burgled if you have a reliable home alarm. They are probably less than you think and could save you thousands of dollars. We strongly suggest speaking to a professional locksmith/electronic security consultant who can help with the most appropriate alarm system for your home. There are many simple and easy security features on modern alarm systems these days that can enhance the protection of your home and make you feel better when you’re at home, work or away on holidays.

CCTV cameras for homes are very popular and are an ideal additional home security measure especially when you have the combination of both a home burglar alarm and CCTV camera set up. Good quality cameras will capture on video any activity inside and outside the property and some version allows real time monitoring via your mobile phone at any time 24/7.

Another simple but effective deterrent is to display signs or stickers making potential burglars aware of their presence on your premise, such as “beware Alarm or CCTV cameras on premises”, “beware security alarm installed”, “this property is under 24 hour CCTV Surveillance”, or a simple sign “Beware of the Dog” even if you dont have one. warning signs do help, they your house from being targeted by a burglar as prowlers will often spend time chasing the property they have targeted to burgle.

Be mindful of who you tell when you’re going on holidays for any length of time and dont announce it on Social Media such as Facebook and Twitter, or any other social platform this may alert a thief to a potential burglary opportunity.

If you are going on holiday, plan ahead. For example ask a trusted neighbour or friend to empty your letterbox, bring in your bins and they can also be your eyes and ears while you are away from your property. Alternatively consider asking a friend to house-sit or make use of a reputable house-sitting service, and don’t forget to leave emergency contact numbers with them.

Check if Neighbourhood Watch operates in your suburb. Neighbourhood Watch is a group of community residents who keep a lookout for suspicious activity in their neighbourhood and report it to the police. You may consider joining your local neighbourhood watch group as do a excellent community security service. Tell trusted neighbours and the local police of your intended holidays including your whereabouts and expected date of return.

Make sure your letter box has a lockable lock securing it such as a letter box lock or padlock, as identity theft is out of control and there’s no better way for criminals to steal it but from an unlocked letter box. Not clearing letterboxes stuffed full of catalogues and junk mail is a sure give away that the property has been unattended for quite awhile. Whether it has been vacated or the family is on holidays, this will spark a burglar’s interest. Always ask a trusted family member or neighbour to clear your mail whilst you’re away, and dont forget to give them the letter box key. Additionally, making sure the bins are out for rubbish collection (and subsequently put away), turning lights on, occasional watering the garden or mowing of the lawns will give the impression that someone is home. If you have any regular deliveries, don’t forget to have these suspended during your absence.
Identify your belongings and keep a record & description of both your household and personal possessions. Take videos or photos of your valuables and keep important item details including the make, model and serial number. Do a walk-through of your house contents and your valuables using your mobile video camera to get good pictures of items. Photograph and video your jewellery, paintings, antiques and any other valuables. Remember to keep your photos and videos records locked away or saved to the cloud and have a backup copy. Mark ownership details on your expensive possessions such as televisions, smart devices and other valuables using an engraving method or by an invisible pen marking. This will deter thieves and make it easier for the police to trace the goods if they are stolen. Taking a photograph or video won’t stop a burglar stealing them, but it could help the police catch a thief and anyone else who may have handled the stolen goods.
Safeguard your expensive jewellery or other valuable and irreplaceable items in a high quality fire & burglary resistant home safe. This will provide protection 24 hours a day 7 days a week all year around, and it is one the best investment you’ll ever make.

A professional safe locksmith can suggest a good quality residential safe that is right for your needs. Most importantly they will professionally install it correctly so it provides maximum protection. Often burglars will attempt to take the safe with them so they can break into it at their leisure without the pressure of time so if a safe is incorrectly fitted, the thief will simply pick it up and take it with them along with your valuables. Remember bolting down or anchoring a safe into position is just as vital as the safes quality relied to protect its contents. Be wary of inferior products sold through some hardware stores and retail outlets that are nothing more than lockable tin boxes and hold very little security and has no fire protection. More often than not, they’re made of very thin metal that can be forced open with a cheap screwdriver. Their so called locking bolts are pencil thin and can be punched back and opened with a small chisel. So beware of these cheap safes as they don’t offer the security of a genuine certified home safe.

Burglars are in their element in the dark so lighting plays an important part of your home security plan. Good quality outside lights such as flood lights or sensor lights which come on when someone enters your property can eliminate hiding spots and make prowlers think twice. Sensor lights that are movement activated are inexpensive to buy and install and are an excellent deterrent against burglars. Always report broken street lights and keep your own lights in working order.

Internal lights on timers are another ideal deterrent as they give burglars the sense of the house being occupied when no one is actually home. Perfect for those going away or often going out to work at night. Leaving some internal lights on an automatic timer to switch them on at set times is a good idea that will automatically switch on your inside lights and maybe a radio at the same time to give the property an appearance that someone is home. Simple effective security before going out for the night, remember to leave a light or two on and the radio or television on. The inside lights should be visible from the street outside to give the impression of an occupied room.

you can be sure that you are dealing with a qualified and experienced industry security professional. All MLAA members have passed the Associations Stringent Trade competency tests and are required to comply with an established Code of Ethics & Code of Conduct.

All states in Australia have introduced legislation in the security industry by adopting a system of licensing locksmiths. So when choosing a locksmith, make sure that you are engaging a master locksmith who has complied with the law. As well as this, the advantages of using the services of a master locksmith association member is you’re dealing with locksmith who is a member of the leading locksmith industry association. The locksmith will be experienced and accredited professional and security licensed as required and subject to regular police checks.

If you need a professional and trustworthy locksmiths today, call Safeguard Locksmiths on1300 723 796.


Beware of $45 Locksmith Scammers

Beware of Dodgy Locksmith Scammers

Whether you’re locked out of your business or replacing deadbolts at home, don’t put your security at risk by using an unqualified and unlicensed dodgy locksmith! Make sure you engage a Master Locksmith Association Member so you can be sure that you are dealing with a qualified and experienced industry security professional.

Be very cautious if a so-called locksmith is offering a professional locksmith service for only $45.00. Beware and trust your intuition, do your research on the locksmith before he does any work for you, not afterwards only to find out he operates a dodgy locksmith business. So it’s better to talk to Safeguard Locksmiths now rather than later, because if a $45.00 locksmith service sounds too good to be true, That’s because it is too good to be true! There’s nothing more annoying than finding out after the fact that the locksmith you used was not exactly trustworthy and was unqualified and supplied inferior products.

Compare this, you wouldn’t expect a professional plumber or a professional electrician to come to you in an emergency for $45.00. This price just does not exist unless there’s something dodgy about it. Just like plumbers and electricians, locksmiths are qualified tradespersons. In order to get this qualification, a Locksmith must successfully complete a 4-year Apprenticeship that incorporates the appropriate training and education in order to work safely and competently in the locksmith trade. Further to this, in order to become Master Locksmith Association Members they also have to pass a stringent trade competency test, and are also required to comply with an established code of ethics and code of practice.

There are lots of so-called locksmith businesses advertising online, often on page 1 of Google, offering locksmithing services for only $45. But are they qualified, police checked and security licensed professional locksmiths you can trust? Do they operate legitimate and well established locksmith businesses that have the experience, skill and expertise to ensure your security and safety in their services and products? Are they accredited members of well respected security organisations such as the Master Locksmith Association of Australasia Limited (MLAA) or the Australian Security Industry Association Limited (ASIAL)? Do they carry Public Liability Insurances and Guarantees?

It is well known in the locksmith and security industries that many of these so-called locksmiths are scammers and don’t hold the security clearances required to work as a professional locksmith. If you engage with this type of locksmith, it can become a real concern to your security.

Often dodgy locksmiths will also use dodgy products that will end up needing replacing in a short time with good quality products that should have been used in the first place.

Dodgy locksmith scammers with their cheap prices usually target those people looking for the cheapest prices and this often appeals to vulnerable people, such as the ederley and those with poor language skills. They often play on the victims emotions at the time especially if it’s an emergency situation like a break-in or they have been locked out of the house or apartment. You can be certain that the cheap locksmith price advertised online is almost never the end price charged.

Remember to always do your homework before engaging with any of these fake locksmiths. In most cases, the locksmith scammers have had very little or no locksmithing skills, and in our experience have been found to be dodgy backpackers or even tourists on a holiday with absolutely no locksmith qualifications. They are simply on a visa looking for a quick dollar from unsuspecting victims. And more often than not, the customer is left with serious damage to their property as well as broken door locks, locks installed incorrectly, very low quality substitute locks fitted badly, broken windows and more. To the untrained eye, the consumer may be unaware of any of this until after the dodgy locksmith has been paid an overpriced charge. The consumer is often presented with a bill for as much as $800.00 to $1,000.00, which these locksmith scammers demand immediately by credit card when the job is often not worth $200.00, and then the inferior work and products will need to be redone by a professional licensed locksmith.

A good local locksmith will employ licensed locksmith trades people so make sure you are dealing with a professional locksmith and not a scammer. Here is what you should know.

The first red flag is to be aware of those locksmiths offering a $45.00 professional locksmith service to come to you anytime day or night. Ask them to guarantee you this will be the only charge before engaging their service.

As fees charged by licensed professional master locksmiths reflect their high degree of skill, the latest standard industry equipment they use, along with up-to-date industry knowledge. Their fees also incorporate the travel time, as well as the time of the day the job needs to be assisted with. For example standard general regular hour locksmith service or after hours emergency locksmith service are charged differently. Professional locksmiths can provide a quote in advance for most work, usually over the phone. But in some cases an onsite security survey may need to be conducted to advise if your security needs upgrading.

How to spot a scammer and how to avoid being scammed?

Remember no matter why you need a locksmith, whether it’s being locked out of your house or your keys have been stolen, there are a few basic rules you should check before calling the services of a locksmith you have found online:

  • When looking for a locksmith to let you back in to your premises, or to rekey your locks, cylinders or doors, it’s essential that you choose a company that’s a Member of the Master Locksmith Association of Australia, so you can be assured you get a professional locksmith that is appropriately trained and knows exactly what they’re doing to fix your locksmith problem.
  • Do your research on the locksmith business to confirm they are a legitimate locksmith, being a registered company with an ABN (Australia) or NZBN (New Zealand), usually or ending domain name. Scammers don’t have ABNs or NZBNs, so they tend to use .com and info@. If you’re not sure, ring the Master Locksmiths Association on 03 9338 8822 to confirm the legitimacy of the locksmith.
  • If you found the locksmith business on Google ad, again do your homework before engaging their service as scammers tend to buy ads and pay for their Google ranking. Not all Google ads promote scammers but just be cautious of businesses that just run ads.
  • Does the locksmith business you intend to use have an actual location address? Many scammers use the address of a shopping centre or an office complex to make it appear that they are locally based, but when you dig deeper this is just a scam to make out they are local locksmiths.
  • Is the locksmith business security licenced as well as being a Member of the Master Locksmith Association of Australia? By law in most States & Territories in Australia, as well as in New Zealand, legitimate locksmithing businesses are required to be security licenced, and the allocated licence number of the locksmith is required be displayed on their website. This is another way to confirm dodgy locksmiths as scammers are not licenced.
  • Is there another locksmith business that has the same, or a very similar name? Scammers often try to pass off as another well established locksmith in an attempt to trade off the good name of a reputable locksmith business. While it can be difficult to determine who is legitimate and who is a scammer, it is vital to check both websites and verifying their phone numbers and credentials.
  • Is the business a member of a peak body association such as the MLAA or ASIAL? Most legitimate members of recognised trade and industry associations display their membership logo’s details and affiliation on their website, and these accreditations can be confirmed by ringing the associations directly .
  • Locksmith Scammers tend to be very vague about what job will cost and how long it will take and try to baffle you with words and get you off the phone quickly with a booked job. A professional locksmith knows exactly what needs to be done, they have the skill and knowledge to give particular advice based on years of experience and can provide a quote on how much it will cost, and how long the job will take.
  • Professional locksmiths typically drive commercial onsite service vehicles, usually signwritten displaying and advertising their company details they work for. They often wear a company uniform that also identifies the business. They may also carry their licence or some other sort of credentials to indicate that they are a professional locksmith or alternatively the company they work for can be contacted to verify their legitimacy. Scammers tend to drive any type of unmarked passenger vehicles; they very rarely carry any form of identification. If they do, you must check it carefully and if in doubt keep them out. Scammers also tend to dress in casual clothes.
  • Scammers like to get in and out quickly and pay immediately by credit card or cash. This is because the so-called locksmith doing the job is generally doing it on behalf of a bigger scam operation. The scammers will give you a dodgy receipt if you request one, otherwise they will tell you it will be posted or emailed. Insist on an official tax invoice and make sure it is a professional document, not a handwritten off the shelf receipt book. Also pay attention at all times as often the transaction is by card, it is processed in overseas currency, and sometimes extra charges get added after the job has been completed. A professional locksmith will always issue you with an official tax invoice.

If you think you are being scammed, what do you do?

If the so-called locksmith attending your home or business property does not appear to be legitimate, or even if your intuition just gives you a bad feeling about the person, cancel the job immediately whilst you have the chance, otherwise the end result will be a dodgy job at an exorbitant cost, and you will have also put your security at risk so ask them to leave. If they threaten you, call the police immediately


What is a SCEC Endorsed Locksmith

The Security and Construction and Equipment Committee

SCEC what is it?
SCEC is short for The Security and Construction and Equipment Committee and it is a standing interdepartmental committee responsible for the evaluation and endorsement of security equipment for use by Australian Government Departments and agencies.
A SCEC approved Locksmith is authorized to provide services to maintain, service and install mechanical and digital combination locks on SCEC Approved containers as well as SCEC Endorsed Safes and Vaults, locks and associated door hardware throughout Australian Government facilities and office areas. Where a high level of security is required Safeguard Locksmiths have the maximum clearance level and our SCEC approved Locksmiths are experienced and ScEC accredited professionals licensed as required in their respective areas of Government approved operations.

SCEC Procedure
A Department Security Advisers or SCEC approved security consultant conducts a site risk survey and either the adviser or consultant will initiate a scope of works based on their assessment to upgrade the site to the relevant security standard and then all works are facilitated by a SCEC Endorsed Locksmith.

Protective Security Agency Information
ASIO-T4 protective security as part of their function is to provide protective security advice to Australian Government clients in regards to a continual security advisory service on the best methods to protect their staff, classified information and physical security and assets this may include perimeter security, access control systems , CCTV Video Surveillance, Alarm systems, Safes & Vaults, High Security Restricted Master Key Systems, Locks & associated Door Hardware, Security Audits amongst many other security matters ASIO-T4 provide expert security advise on.

SCEC Equipment Ratings
These ratings are formulated on a four level scale system and are categorized as below.

  • SL1 Low Risk
    Attackers are expected to have little knowledge and only the most basic tools or equipment. Products classified at this level will offer minor resistance against any attacks for very short periods.
  • SL2 Low to Medium Risk
    Attackers are expected to have a limited knowledge, and will have a general range of non-specialist tools and equipment. Products classified at this level will offer moderate resistance against non-specialist attacks for limited periods.
  • SL3 Medium Risk
    Attackers are expected to be highly capable using a comprehensive range of non-specialist tools and equipment at their disposal. Products classified at this level will offer a moderate resistance to a range of specialist attack methods for reasonable periods.
  • SL4 High Risk
    Attackers are expected to have a professional level of ability to resource and implement a physical/technical attack in detail. Attackers will have a high level of expertise and will be equipped with specialist tools and equipment. Products classified at this level will offer substantial resistance against a large range of specialist attack methods for extended periods.

SCEC Approved locksmithS
Safeguard Locksmiths SCEC technicians are experienced and SCEC accredited professionals who have qualified by training through a high level training program conducted by ASIO-T4 security service and have been subject to a National Security checked clearance.
It is essential that a scec endorsed locksmith supply
Any security works required by Government departments & agencies SCEC Endorsed locksmith are highly trained and approved to work SCEC products including Class B and Class C security containers and secure room doors and safe & vaults and locks and associated door hardware.
SCEC endorsed security hardware must be tested, maintained an serviced by a SCEC approved locksmith at periods not exceeding 2 years otherwise failing to comply with this will nullify the SCEC endorsement of the SCEC approved product.
SCEC Approved
The Security Construction and Equipment Committee (SCEC) is a standing interdepartmental committee responsible for the evaluation of security equipment for use by Australian Government departments and agencies. SCEC reports to the Attorney General’s, Protective Security Policy Committee, which was established by the Australian Government to develop and establish guidelines for protection of Australian Government resources


Security Solutions for your home and family

Security Solutions For Your Home And Family

Remember when you’re at work so are burglars!
Burglars can turn up on your door step and enter your home anytime of the day or night. They can pretend to be service tradesman, salesman or other official people, or may just wait until you have gone out or gone to sleep.

Don’t be fooled.

  • Before you open your front door, make sure you take the following precautions.
  • Secure the chain lock, look through the peep -hole to see if you recognise the caller.
  • If you don’t have a peep-hole or chain, talk to us here at Safeguard Locksmith about having them professionally fitted.
  • Ask any strangers for identification before you open the door fully. If they don’t have an appointment, ring their office to check who they are. Genuine callers won’t mind you doing that.
  • Do they look right? Does their clothing match their job?
  • Remember, if in doubt, keep them out.

Some other good advice for home and family protection.

  • Ensure all windows and doors are locked
  • Install deadlocks on all external doors
  • Change locks or cylinders when you move
  • Install key operated window locks
  • Keep your valuables in a safe
  • Engrave valuables with your drivers licence number
  • Never leave notes on your door
  • Don’t leave a house key with unauthorised people
  • Mark your property
    Mark ownership details on your valuable possessions this will deter thieves and make it easier for the police to trace the goods if they are stolen
  • Photograph your valuables
    Taking a photograph won’t stop a burglar but it could help police catch a thief and anyone else who may have handled stolen goods. Photograph your jewellery,paintings,antiques and other valuables.
  • Going out for the night
    Before you go out for the night, remember to leave a light or two on and the radio or television switched on to talk back program. Lights should be visible from the street and give the impression of an occupied room.
  • And if a burglary does occur don’t touch anything ,just call the police.

How to secure your home.
Some houses attract burglars more than others. So follow these security tips to reduce the chance of theft at your home.

  • Secure your doors
    Weak or poorly secured doors are the second most used route for break-ins. Fit heavy duty deadbolts and deadlocks for extra security. Our locksmith professionals will be able to provide details on the most appropriate lock for your needs.
  • Above all, make sure you lock your doors every time you go out, even if you’re just popping around the corner. Most burglaries only take a few minutes.
  • A window of opportunity
    windows are the most popular route for burglars, particularly if they are at ground level. Keep them shut and use key operated locks. Ask our expert locksmiths about the best window locks for your windows.
  • Lock up Ladders & tools
    Garden tools are frequently used to force open doors and windows. Keep ladders and tools inaccessible and ask your neighbour to do the same. If you cannot keep your ladder in a locked shed, padlock it to something secure.
  • Light up your property
    Burglars are in their element in the dark. Outside lights will make them think again. Always report broken street lights and keep your own lights in working order.
  • Get a burglar alarm
    Statistics have shown that you are less likely to be burgled if you have a reliable alarm.
    They are probably less expensive now due to a majority of them being wireless simply set up plug in a go.
    Here at Safeguard Locksmith our professional technicians can help with the most appropriate alarm system for your home.

Remember – Taking simple precautions and talking to us now can protect your home.


The Ultimate Hasp Lock

Have you ever had one of those hard-to-secure gates that just doesn’t have the right locking alignment for a normal lock?You could always get a separate hasp to make it work, but that opens up to potential risk and hassle of losing the hasp, lock chain, or the separate lock. Having so much accessories for one simple task is just not ideal.

Safeguard Locksmiths has the solution for you.

The Armadillo lock series is an all-in-one solution to replace your separate hasps and padlocks.

It is designed to provide maximum security, perfect for commercial applications such as your steel gates, containers, trailers, warehouse doors, shop front, truck doors, and electrical cabinets.

The Armadillo product comes in 4 models, a regular model, single hinged model, double hinged model and a gate plate model, suitable for different types of difficult locking alignment.

For more information, call us today on 1300 723 796.

Visit our website for information on all the security services we offer to local Australian homes and businesses.


Improve your home or office security with a personal safe

Improve your home or office security with a personal safe

Improve Home or Office Security with a Personal Safe

It’s more important than ever before to invest in a personal safe for home or business that with the economy looking worse than it ever have been before and the future looking even more uncertain.

We all have to be aware of protecting our personal possessions. With so many people out of work and in desperate situations you need to take serious precautions and don’t become complacent with your security.

Now is the perfect time to take a good hard look into what security measures you have in place to stop a burglar breaking into your home as it only takes a short time for an intruder to break into and quickly steal your valuable belongings.

Here’s a few practical things that will help secure your home from the opportunist burglars.

Weak or poorly secured doors are the second most entry point used by burglars fitted with heavy duty deadlocks and at the same time make sure all windows have key operated locks as windows will always be the robbers first route especially if the windows are on the ground floor.

Light up your property, burglars are in their element in the dark, so lights outside will make them think again. So it is advisable to always keep your lights in good working order.

Make sure you lock away tools as these are often used to force open doors or windows as well as any ladders to gain access to inaccessible areas like upstairs windows.

Get a burglar alarm of some type. Statistics have shown that you are less likely to be burgled if you have a reliable alarm and they are far less expensive than you think. The advancements in alarm technology means that many are wireless and can be set up quickly and easily by the home owner.

A good quality home safe such as the Combiline CL410E, Viper 35, and CMI Miniguard 2D is a must as this will be the place you will store your most confidential and valuable items, and a safe is like having a security guard on your premises 24 hours a day, 7 days a week all year around protecting your most precious possessions.

But remember good security comes down to common sense so no matter what security protection you have, its up to you to make sure you use them as a part of your everyday life.

I want to talk more about home security safe which is what we are experts in.

The first and most important question to ask yourself is what would you store in the safe as this will help direct you to the right path in choosing the correct safe for your needs. Do you want a safe to store cash & valuables, firearms, documents, data or a combination of these?

For example if cash & valuables is what you want to protect, first determine the amount in value of the combined contents to be stored in the safe. For example cash, jewellery and expensive items. A good way to value this is to work out from your insurance company. If you ever have the misfortune to experience burglary, based on this value and allowing a bit more for other expensive items you may acquire in the future, and based on the total value, look at investing in a safe with a certified cash rating value of the same amount. The majority of insurance companies will only want to insure you if the safe has a similar cash rating to what value of cash & valuables it will be stored in it. Some popular choices include the Chubb Senator M4, Guardall BFG600 and CMI Homeguard Plus HG1D.

If you require a gun or rifle safe for your personal firearms. Australia has a national firearms agreement which sets out the different categories of firearms that are legal in each state being Category A, B, C & D. The storage of firearms differs from state to state across Australia so depending on your location your gun and rifle safe must meet the specification required.

A gun safe as well as being used to store firearms can also be used as a multi purpose safe to store other valuables in. A good quality rifle safe will usually have the same level of protection as a standard home or office safe apart from it will most likely be fitted out inside with the appropriate gun racks. A gun safe especially if its to store rifles in typically large in size and depending on how many firearms are to be stored these safe usually have plenty of room for your cash and other valuables. We have listed here some high quality firearm safes: Guardall G4D, CMI PS2D, CMI Rifle Safe SS14-D, Burg Wachter A5E, and Ardel RS1-3D.

A fire resistant safe may be your first choice based on your needs to mainly protect paper documents such as confidential information, passports, titles and wills, etc, as we all know what a hassle & stress it would be if these were to be destroyed in a fire or worst stolen. A good fire resisting safe such as the Guardall HV1, Diplomat SS060, Chubb Duoguard 40 and CMI Commerce1 will provide excellent protection for both these threats.

We would suggest that if a fire resistant safe is to be considered, you keep in mind that they are usually constructed and designed for this purpose and not to store and protect various amounts of cash or valuables. If this is what you planned to do we would recommend you view safes that offer both burglary & fire protections in its certification.

If the need is only a fire resistant safe, remember to only look at fire safes that provide at least 1 hour protection, as many fires can last for 40 minutes or so before extinguished. So we believe a standing point of 60 minutes fire resisting is a good buffer zone.

Some clients require fire resistant safes that offer more than 60 minutes and in some cases this is because they live in a high fire level zone. Fire safes are usually designed in the following fire protection periods: 30 minutes, 45 minutes, 60 minutes, 120 minutes and some are even available with a 3 hour resistant level.

For more information on how to improve your home or office security, visit our website or give us a call on 1300 723 796 to talk directly with one of our Security Experts.